POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Lighting : Re: Lighting Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:20:35 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Lighting  
From: Felbrigg
Date: 4 Feb 2004 11:29:46
Message: <40211dfa$1@news.povray.org>
I've already posted a couple of images in the binaries.images section namely
"Cactus halo" and "Rain Drops" but if you would like to help me out, look
there for one I've just posted called "Spilled Liquid" (Source included)
This is an example of an almost but never quite right table top image.  If
you can give me some tips on how to improve it, adjusting the lighting etc I
would be very grateful.


"Dan P" <dan### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> Also, I find that using multiple light sources can go along way. Throw a
> bright, shadowless indigo light at a different location (color rgb <0.8,
> 0.9, 1> for example) and it will add a lot of depth. In reality, there is
> rarely only one light source and you don't always need radiosity to get a
> realistic effect. Look at a book cover once: often, you'll see that one
> of the face is lit with a yellowish light and the other side is light with
> an indigo/cyan light. It makes a really neat effect.
> If you're willing, we're interested in seeing your work if you post it on
> site and helping you out that way too. There are lots of tricks of light
> (pun intended) that can turn a blah scene into something amazing.

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